Source code for ocdskit.upgrade

import json
import logging
from collections import OrderedDict  # for move_to_end()
from copy import deepcopy
from hashlib import md5

from ocdskit.util import (

logger = logging.getLogger('ocdskit')

# See
organization_identification_1_0 = (
    (None, ('name',)),
    ('identifier', ('scheme', 'id', 'legalName', 'uri')),
    ('address', ('streetAddress', 'locality', 'region', 'postalCode', 'countryName')),
    ('contactPoint', ('name', 'email', 'telephone', 'faxNumber', 'url')),

def _move_to_top(data, fields):
    for field in reversed(fields):
        if field in data:
            data.move_to_end(field, last=False)

def _in(obj, field):
    return field in obj and obj[field] is not None

[docs] def upgrade_10_10(data): """ Upgrades a record package, release package, record or release from 1.0 to 1.0 (no-op). """ return data
[docs] def upgrade_11_11(data): """ Upgrades a record package, release package, record or release from 1.1 to 1.1 (no-op). """ return data
[docs] def upgrade_10_11(data): """ Upgrades a record package, release package, record or release from 1.0 to 1.1. Retains the deprecated Amendment.changes, Budget.source and Milestone.documents fields. ``data`` must be an ``OrderedDict``. If you have only the parsed JSON, re-parse it with: ``upgrade_10_11(json.loads(json.dumps(data), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict))`` """ version = get_ocds_minor_version(data) if version != '1.0': return data if is_package(data): data['version'] = '1.1' _move_to_top(data, ('uri', 'version')) if is_record_package(data): for record in data['records']: upgrade_record_10_11(record) elif is_release_package(data): for release in data['releases']: upgrade_release_10_11(release) elif is_record(data): upgrade_record_10_11(data) else: # release upgrade_release_10_11(data) return data
[docs] def upgrade_record_10_11(record): """ Upgrades a record from 1.0 to 1.1. """ if 'releases' in record: for release in record['releases']: upgrade_release_10_11(release) if 'compiledRelease' in record: upgrade_release_10_11(record['compiledRelease'])
[docs] def upgrade_release_10_11(release): """ Applies upgrades for organization handling, amendment handling and transactions terminology. """ upgrade_parties_10_to_11(release) upgrade_amendments_10_11(release) upgrade_transactions_10_11(release)
[docs] def upgrade_parties_10_to_11(release): """ Converts organizations to organization references and fills in the ``parties`` array. """ parties = _get_parties(release) if _in(release, 'buyer'): buyer = release['buyer'] release['buyer'] = _add_party(parties, buyer, 'buyer') if _in(release, 'tender'): if _in(release['tender'], 'procuringEntity'): procuring_entity = release['tender']['procuringEntity'] release['tender']['procuringEntity'] = _add_party(parties, procuring_entity, 'procuringEntity') if _in(release['tender'], 'tenderers'): for i, tenderer in enumerate(release['tender']['tenderers']): release['tender']['tenderers'][i] = _add_party(parties, tenderer, 'tenderer') if _in(release, 'awards'): for award in release['awards']: if _in(award, 'suppliers'): for i, supplier in enumerate(award['suppliers']): award['suppliers'][i] = _add_party(parties, supplier, 'supplier') if parties: if 'parties' not in release: release['parties'] = [] _move_to_top(release, ('ocid', 'id', 'date', 'tag', 'initiationType', 'parties')) for party in parties.values(): if party not in release['parties']: release['parties'].append(party)
def _get_parties(release): parties = {} if 'parties' in release: for party in release['parties']: if 'id' in party: _id = party['id'] else: _id = _create_party_id(party) parties[_id] = party return parties def _add_party(parties, party, role): """ Adds an ``id`` to the party, adds the party to the ``parties`` array, sets the party's role, and returns an OrganizationReference. Warns if there is any data loss from differences in non-identifying fields. """ party = deepcopy(party) if 'id' not in party: party['id'] = _create_party_id(party) _move_to_top(party, ('id')) _id = party['id'] if _id not in parties: parties[_id] = party else: # Warn about data loss. survivor = deepcopy(parties[_id]) roles = survivor.pop('roles', []) if any(key not in survivor or party[key] != survivor[key] for key in party): logger.warning('party in "%s" role differs from party in %s roles:\n%s\n%s', role, json.dumps(roles), json.dumps(party), json.dumps(survivor)) if 'roles' not in parties[_id]: parties[_id]['roles'] = [] _move_to_top(parties[_id], ('id', 'roles')) # In case the data is invalid. parties[_id]['roles'] = _cast_as_list(parties[_id]['roles']) if role not in parties[_id]['roles']: # Update the `roles` of the party in the `parties` array. parties[_id]['roles'].append(role) # Create the OrganizationReference. organization_reference = {'id': _id} if 'name' in party: organization_reference['name'] = party['name'] return organization_reference def _create_party_id(party): parts = [] for parent, fields in organization_identification_1_0: if not parent: for field in fields: parts.append(_get_bytes(party, field)) elif parent in party: for field in fields: parts.append(_get_bytes(party[parent], field)) return md5(b'-'.join(parts)).hexdigest() def _get_bytes(obj, field): # Handle null and integers. return str(obj.get(field) or '').encode('utf-8')
[docs] def upgrade_amendments_10_11(release): """ Renames ``amendment`` to ``amendments`` under ``tender``, ``awards`` and ``contracts``. If ``amendments`` already exists, it appends the ``amendment`` value to the ``amendments`` array, unless it already contains it. """ if _in(release, 'tender'): _upgrade_amendment_10_11(release['tender']) for field in ('awards', 'contracts'): if _in(release, field): for block in release[field]: _upgrade_amendment_10_11(block)
def _upgrade_amendment_10_11(block): if 'amendment' in block: block.setdefault('amendments', []) if block['amendment'] not in block['amendments']: block['amendments'].append(block['amendment']) del block['amendment']
[docs] def upgrade_transactions_10_11(release): """ Renames ``providerOrganization`` to ``payer``, ``receiverOrganization`` to ``payee``, and ``amount`` to ``value`` under ``contracts.implementation.transactions``, unless they already exist. Converts ``providerOrganization`` and ``receiverOrganization`` from an Identifier to an OrganizationReference and fills in the ``parties`` array. """ parties = _get_parties(release) if _in(release, 'contracts'): for contract in release['contracts']: if _in(contract, 'implementation') and _in(contract['implementation'], 'transactions'): for transaction in contract['implementation']['transactions']: if 'value' not in transaction: transaction['value'] = transaction['amount'] del transaction['amount'] for old, new in (('providerOrganization', 'payer'), ('receiverOrganization', 'payee')): if old in transaction and new not in transaction: party = OrderedDict([('identifier', transaction[old])]) if 'legalName' in transaction[old]: party['name'] = transaction[old]['legalName'] transaction[new] = _add_party(parties, party, new) del transaction[old]