Source code for ocdskit.schema

from dataclasses import dataclass, field

LANGUAGE_CODE_SUFFIX = '_(((([A-Za-z]{2,3}(-([A-Za-z]{3}(-[A-Za-z]{3}){0,2}))?)|[A-Za-z]{4}|[A-Za-z]{5,8})(-([A-Za-z]{4}))?(-([A-Za-z]{2}|[0-9]{3}))?(-([A-Za-z0-9]{5,8}|[0-9][A-Za-z0-9]{3}))*(-([0-9A-WY-Za-wy-z](-[A-Za-z0-9]{2,8})+))*(-(x(-[A-Za-z0-9]{1,8})+))?)|(x(-[A-Za-z0-9]{1,8})+))'  # noqa: E501

def _join_sep(sep, words):
    return sep + sep.join(words)

[docs] @dataclass class Field: """ Initializes a schema field object. """ #: the field's schema schema: dict = None #: the JSON pointer to the field in the schema, e.g. ``('properties', 'tender', 'properties', 'id')`` pointer_components: tuple = None #: the path to the field in data, e.g. ``('tender', 'id')`` path_components: tuple = None #: the JSON pointer to the definition in which the field is defined, e.g. ``('definitions', 'Item')`` definition_pointer_components: tuple = None #: the path to the definition in which the field is defined, e.g. ``('Item')`` definition_path_components: tuple = None #: whether the field is listed in the schema's ``required`` required: bool = None #: if the field, or an ancestor of the field, sets ``deprecated``, the ``deprecated`` object deprecated: dict = field(default_factory=dict) #: whether the field has a corresponding field in the schema's ``patternProperties`` multilingual: bool = None #: the separator to use in string representations of paths sep = '.' def __setitem__(self, key, item): self.__dict__[key] = item @property def pointer(self): """ Returns the JSON pointer to the field in the schema, e.g. ``/properties/tender/properties/id``. """ return _join_sep('/', self.pointer_components) @property def definition_pointer(self): """ Returns the JSON pointer to the definition in which the field is defined, e.g. ``/definitions/Item``. """ return _join_sep('/', self.definition_pointer_components) @property def path(self): """ Returns the path to the field in data with ``self.sep`` as separator, e.g. ````. """ return self.sep.join(self.path_components) @property def definition_path(self): """ Returns the path to the definition in which the field is defined with ``self.sep`` as separator, e.g. ``Item``. """ return self.sep.join(self.definition_path_components) def __repr__(self): return repr(self.asdict())
[docs] def asdict(self, sep=None, exclude=None): """ Returns the field as a dict, with keys for: ``schema``, ``pointer``, ``path``, ``definition_pointer``, ``definition_path``, ``required``, ``deprecated``, ``multilingual``. :param list sep: the separator to use in string representations of paths, overriding ``self.sep`` :param list exclude: a list of keys to exclude from the dict """ data = {} exclude = exclude or () sep = sep or self.sep for key, value in self.__dict__.items(): if key not in exclude and not key.startswith('_') and not key.endswith('_components'): data[key] = value for key in ('pointer', 'definition_pointer'): if key not in exclude: data[key] = getattr(self, key) for key in ('path', 'definition_path'): if key not in exclude: data[key] = sep.join(getattr(self, f'{key}_components')) return data
# This code is similar to `add_versioned` in `` in the `standard` repository.
[docs] def get_schema_fields(schema, pointer=None, path=None, definition_pointer=None, definition_path=None, deprecated=None): """ Yields a ``Field`` object for each field (whether under ``properties`` or ``patternProperties``) in a JSON schema. :param dict schema: a JSON schema :param tuple pointer: the JSON pointer to the field in the schema, e.g. ``('properties', 'tender', 'properties', 'id')`` :param tuple path: the path to the field in data, e.g. ``('tender', 'id')`` :param tuple definition_pointer: the JSON pointer to the definition in which the field is defined, e.g. ``('definitions', 'Item')`` :param tuple definition_path: the path to the definition in which the field is defined, e.g. ``('Item')`` :param dict deprecated: if the field, or an ancestor of the field, sets ``deprecated``, the ``deprecated`` object """ if pointer is None: pointer = () if path is None: path = () if definition_pointer is None: definition_pointer = () if definition_path is None: definition_path = () multilingual = set() hidden = set() for key, value in schema.get('patternProperties', {}).items(): # The pattern might have an extra set of parentheses. for offset in (2, 1): end = -LANGUAGE_CODE_SUFFIX_LEN - offset # The pattern must be anchored and the suffix must occur at the end. if ( key[end:-offset] == LANGUAGE_CODE_SUFFIX and key[:offset] == '^('[:offset] and key[-offset:] == ')$'[-offset:] ): multilingual.add(key[offset:end]) hidden.add(key) break for key, value in schema.get('properties', {}).items(): new_pointer = pointer + ('properties', key) new_path = path + (key,) required = schema.get('required', []) yield from _get_schema_field(key, value, new_pointer, new_path, definition_pointer, definition_path, required, deprecated or _deprecated(value), multilingual) for key, value in schema.get('definitions', {}).items(): new_pointer = pointer + ('definitions', key) yield from get_schema_fields(value, pointer=new_pointer, path=(), definition_pointer=new_pointer, definition_path=(key,), deprecated=deprecated) for key, value in schema.get('patternProperties', {}).items(): if key not in hidden: new_pointer = pointer + ('patternProperties', key) new_path = path + (f'({key})',) yield Field(schema=value, pointer_components=new_pointer, path_components=new_path, definition_pointer_components=definition_pointer, definition_path_components=definition_path, required=False, deprecated=deprecated or _deprecated(value), multilingual=False)
def _get_schema_field(name, schema, pointer, path, definition_pointer, definition_path, required, deprecated, multilingual): yield Field(schema=schema, pointer_components=pointer, path_components=path, definition_pointer_components=definition_pointer, definition_path_components=definition_path, required=name in required, deprecated=deprecated, multilingual=name in multilingual) if schema is None: return if 'properties' in schema or 'patternProperties' in schema: yield from get_schema_fields(schema, pointer=pointer, path=path, definition_pointer=definition_pointer, definition_path=definition_path, deprecated=deprecated) for key, value in schema.get('items', {}).get('properties', {}).items(): new_pointer = pointer + ('items', 'properties', key) new_path = path + (key,) required = schema['items'].get('required', []) yield from _get_schema_field(key, value, new_pointer, new_path, definition_pointer, definition_path, required, deprecated or _deprecated(value), multilingual) def _deprecated(value): if value is None: return {} return value.get('deprecated') or hasattr(value, '__reference__') and value.__reference__.get('deprecated') or {}
[docs] def add_validation_properties(schema, unique_items=True, coordinates=False): """ Adds "minItems" and "uniqueItems" if an array, adds "minProperties" if an object, and adds "minLength" if a string and if "enum", "format" and "pattern" aren't set. :param dict schema: a JSON schema :param bool unique_items: whether to add "uniqueItems" properties to array fields :param bool coordinates: whether the parent is a geospatial coordinates field """ if isinstance(schema, list): for item in schema: add_validation_properties(item, unique_items=unique_items) elif isinstance(schema, dict): if 'type' in schema: if ( 'string' in schema['type'] # "enum" is more strict than "minLength". and 'enum' not in schema # The defined formats do not match zero-length strings. # and 'format' not in schema # The pattern is assumed to not match zero-length strings. and 'pattern' not in schema ): schema.setdefault('minLength', 1) if 'array' in schema['type']: # Allow non-unique items for coordinates fields (e.g. closed polygons). if sorted(schema.get('items', {}).get('type', [])) == ['array', 'number']: coordinates = True if unique_items and not coordinates: schema.setdefault('uniqueItems', True) schema.setdefault('minItems', 1) if 'object' in schema['type']: schema.setdefault('minProperties', 1) for value in schema.values(): add_validation_properties(value, unique_items=unique_items, coordinates=coordinates)